Hogwarts Apprentices I: Gentry Green
by lisa roquin
Rating: R
Fandom: Harry Potter
Category: Action/Adventure, Angst, Slash.
Spoilers: Through OotP. Set 6th Year.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money, no harm, no foul.
Summary: Harry learns strange things about his family history and returns to Hogwarts early summer after 5th year. Grief, betrayal, shocks, angst, oh yeah and Snape too.
Warnings: Slash, het, angst, violence, teenage hormones and attitude, disturbing references, murder. It'll earn it's rating. Chapters will have specific warnings as necessary. please pay attention to them. If you are allergic to slash, you'd best wander off.
Chapter Listing:
Last Updated June 28, 2005.
Leave Feedback for the author at: lisascribble @yahoo.com
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