Author's Chapter Notes
The leisure-independence quote that Scully accredits to Charlie in Chapter Three is from Herman Melville, courtesy Bartlett's Quotations.
The CD4 discussion in Chapter Four comes from a lecture by Dr. Siu of Columbia University; an excellent lecturer, but one who has too few embarrassing stories about other faculty members. The comment about secretaries, interior decorators and choirboys is loosely based on a line from Paul Rudnick's play "Jeffrey." It was originally made about Catholic priests.
I thank the film industry (particularly The Terrys Jones and Gilliam) for Mulder and Scully's courageous getaway in Chapter Five. I thank Ms. Crystal O. for her cheerful Iber's salutation.
Tantalizing X-Files Tidbit for Chapter Six: The Consortium/Syndicate has had the ability to selectively alter a person's memory since at least 1992 (Deep Throat).
Dolphin communication issues (brought up in Chapter Eight) sit comfortably astride Douglas Adams and Madeline L'Engle. Some phraseology in this chapter, which here means "startlingly familiar words strung together in a startlingly familiar way" respectfully borrowed from Lemony Snicket's delightfully dreadful "Series of Unfortunate Events." Speaking of things I don't own, any images of brains leaking out one's ears is a semi-deliberate reference to Lori Summer's fabulous "Paradigm of Uncertainty." Oh, and I don't own The Wizard of Oz, in case you were wondering.
Special thanks to Ed Uthman of the American Board of Pathology for his online writer's guide to autopsies, which came in handy for Chapter Nine. If you ever have to write an autopsy scene, check out his site: The Routine Autopsy.
The society bits in Chapter Ten come mostly from Pride and Prejudice (including "it is a truth universally acknowledged..."), but bits of Damiana's "Marrach" may also be creeping in. It is an excellent story, especially if you like Severus/Hermione (which I do!). Lady Bracknell belongs to Oscar Wilde.
The Limerick Lemons introduced in Chapter Twelve are dedicated to my beta, Crystal "Top o' the mornin': James Joyce" Grapher and is at least two parts Tom Stoppard. Thanks also to my other part-time beta, Jaffe, who I sucked into this chapter with promises of limericks.
For Chapter Thirteen, I thank the amazing Anne Frank, the inimitable Edgar Allan Poe, and to my boyfriend who listened to me blather about Communist and Fascist dictators for a wweek. I own none except my boyfriend.
Appendix of Musical Terms
First Inversion: A chord with the third of the triad in the bass or lowest voice. If "do, mi, sol" is the normal triad, "mi, sol, do" is the first inversion. (Mundungus42)
Variation on a Theme: A transformation of a theme by means of harmonic, rhythmic or melodic changes. Often used by composers as homage to another composer or work (i.e. Rachmaninov's famous 18th Variation on a Theme by Paganini). (Chappell)
Leitmotif: (Ger.). 'Leading motif': a clearly defined theme or musical idea, representing or symbolizing a person, object, idea etc, which returns in its original or an altered form at appropriate points in a dramatic (mainly operatic) work. The term was coined by FW Jähns in 1871, but the device itself has a long ancestry. Weber first appreciated its significance for Romantic opera, and Wagner elevated it to a position of paramount importance as a means of both symphonic development and dramatic allusion. (Grove)
Recapitulation: In sonata form, a return of the initial section (theme) of a movement. (Chappell)
A Tempo: Return to the original speed after a ritard (denoted slowing of tempo). When I first encountered this term (at age 7), I stuck a sign that said "a Tempo" on my brother. I got clobbered for that one. I'm not sure if he objected more to me calling him a ritard or trying to cancel him. (Mundungus42)
Lento: Tempo marking which means "very slow." (Halifax)
Allegretto: Tempo marking which means light and cheerful, but not as fast as allegro (Halifax)
Stringendo: To increase intensity by increasing tempo. (Halifax)
Gesamtkunstwerk: Described by Richard Wagner in 1849, literally the "total artwork;" a fusion of all "high" art forms as embraced by the Ancient Greeks. (Herausforderung)
Pizzicato: Italian for "pinched." A direction in music for stringed instruments to play the notes by plucking the strings instead of using a bow. (Schirmer)
Klangfarbenmelodie: (Ger.) A term coined by composer Arnold Schoenberg to describe a style of composition that employs several different kinds of tone colors to a single pitch or to multiple pitches. This is achieved by distributing the pitch or melody among several different instruments. (Schoenberg)
Scherzando: A style marking which means to play in a light, whimsical manner.
Tenuto: To sustain a single note for its full time value; no more, no less.
Polyphony: Musical texture characterized by the presence of more than one independent melodic line.
Grande Pause: Self explanatory.
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